The Miracle Morning - 30 Day Life Transformation Challenge

Preparing for the 30 Day Life Transformation Challenge from the Miracle Morning book by Hal Elrod -

After reading Hal Elrod's The Miracle Morning book, I am ready for the 30-day Life Transformation Challenge that he sets in it. Once you read the book, you basically go through certain steps where you answer some clarity questions, you assess your life with the 'Level 10 Life' wheel and then you go on and set your Level 10 Goals.

The Miracle Morning - 30 Day Life Transformation Challenge -

I created a two page layout in my bullet journal, as I've seen it in Kara's website, but I also have 3-4 pages of more detailed Level 10 Goals in it as well.

The Miracle Morning - 30 Day Life Transformation Challenge -

The book shows a simple approach to achieve what you've ever wanted, by having a specific morning routine that includes Silence, Affirmations, Visualisation, Exercise, Reading and Scribing.

I already have a similar morning routine, where I dance and meditate and lately I tried to incorporate some visualisation too, but this is more focused and intense since there are specific steps and it's done every single day. I am up for giving myself some challenges and therefore I decided to do it starting from tomorrow, Monday the 13th of July 2016 (why wait until next month?)

So, for the past two days I've been trying to set myself ready. I always believed that the more prepared you are for something, the less likely it is that you'll mess up and fail. I took each step separately and made sure I have everything I'll need for it.


For this part of my morning routine I'll be meditating for 10 minutes. I've been using Headspace for quite some time now, but I wanted to add something else as well and I found a new application called Calm where I'll try their 7 Days of Calm program before deciding if I'll pay for it monthly.


I wanted to create a page with affirmations that was as personal to me as possible, instead of finding various affirmations online each day. My goal was to have a set of affirmations that I can read all together as one paragraph, or that I can choose one, if I want, each day to repeat as a mantra. So, I came up with the following being inspired by Louise HayHal ElrodPam Grout and many online resourses:

  • Something amazingly awesome is going to happen to me today.
  • This is going to be a great day.
  • I make today the best day of my life, because there is simply no good reason not to.
  • Today I will take one step towards my dreams.
  • I create beautiful experiences.
  • I am in charge of how I feel and today I choose happiness.
  • I am committed to live in constant joy. Joy is my natural state.
  • There is nothing to fear.
  • Life emanates from me. I create the world with my thoughts, my beliefs, and my energetic frequency.
  • I already have everything I could ever want or need.
  • The universe has my back and is constantly sending me blessings, gifts, signs and guidance.
  • Making money is easy.
  • I can afford anything I want. In fact, I am so prosperous, I never need to worry again.
  • Things always work out for me.
  • I am successful in everything I do.
  • What I think, I create.
  • Amazing opportunities exist for me in every aspect of my life.
  • I deserve the best and I accept it right now. All my needs and desires are met before I even ask.
  • I am just as deserving of extraordinary happiness, health, wealth and success as any other person on this planet!
  • I am loved.
  • I am the best mother I can be.
  • I am blessed with an amazing, loving and supportive family and loyal, kind and understanding friends.
  • I am creative, smart and talented. I love to inspire people.
  • I am strong and confident.
  • My body is filled with energy. 
  • I love my body and I take care of it every day filling it with nutritious food and by exercising.
  • I listen to my body and give it what it needs on every level.
  • My body is peaceful, healthy and happy, and so am I.
  • My mind and body are in perfect balance. I am a harmonious being.
  • I relax and enjoy life. I know that whatever I need to know is revealed to me in the perfect time and space sequence.
  • I am grateful for all that I am, all that I have and all that I experience.
  • I am grateful for my beautiful life.
  • I am whole and complete.
  • All is well in my world.

I wrote them in my bullet journal and I've also printed them and I have a copy in my office and by my bedside table. I've created a FREE printable for you too!


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I wanted to create a two page layout in my bullet journal, but I don't want to rush it. I want to take my time and create something special. But in the meantime, I've created a Visualisation Board on Pinterest that works just fine for now.


As far as my exercise is concerned, I was already working out on average 3-4 times a week. So, the plan for the next 30 days is to run 3-4 times a week following the 5K Runner App. that I had stopped using and then started all over again two weeks ago. The rest of the time, I am going to walk for 30 minutes and then do some weight lifting exercises and some squats. Once I finish with the app, I'm going to be going swimming everyday for an hour - which I love and I can't wait!


For the reading part of this morning routine I decided to finally read the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, that I've been meaning to do for some time now. I am going to be reading 1-2 chapters per day. After that, I'll continue with the Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert.


I am excited about this part of the morning routine, but I am also worried about it. I like to journal and write, but I am not consistant and in the past whenever I tried to write every day, I gave up. So, this time I am determined to make it work. I already have my notebook dedicated for my writing ready -  it's a pale yellow Moleskine Journal cahier squared.  I decided that for this part, I can do one of the following so that I always have a choice:

  • Write about whatever I want that day.
  • Write my affirmations or the affirmation that I've chosen for that particular day lots of times.
  • Choose one of the prompts from this journaling prompt list I found online, that looks really interesting. 

My schedule for my morning routine will be:


SILENCE: 10 mins



EXERCISE: 40-60 mins

READING: 15 mins

SCRIBING: 15-20 mins

And I am ready! You can get your copy of Hal Elrod's 'Miracle Morning'  book here. If you'd like to join me in this miracle morning life transformation challenge, please leave a comment below so that we can support and inspire each other. :) 

What is your current morning routine?


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