Bullet Journal Christina K Bullet Journal Christina K

Bullet Journal Habit Tracker Ideas

One of the most popular things with bullet journaling is trackers. You can track almost anything you want for any given space of time. You can use them to track from your daily activities and tasks, to your savings and weight loss.

But why do you need to use trackers?

  • To track things that you want to encourage and motivate yourself to do on a more regular basis.
  • To track how often you do things
  • To keep an eye on your progress with various projects/tasks.

When I first started bullet journaling back in March, I followed Kara's example and created a page that was dedicated to all the things I wanted to track during my month.

Bullet journal habit tracker ideas - www.christina77star.net

One of the most popular things with bullet journaling is trackers. You can track almost anything you want for any given space of time. You can use them to track from your daily activities and tasks, to your savings and weight loss.

But why do you need to use trackers?

  • To track things that you want to encourage and motivate yourself to do on a more regular basis.
  • To track how often you do things
  • To keep an eye on your progress with various projects/tasks.

When I first started bullet journaling back in March, I followed Kara's example and created a page that was dedicated to all the things I wanted to track during my month.

Bullet journal habit tracker ideas - www.christina77star.net

However, as you can see from the picture above, it didn't work for me. I kept on forgeting to go back to that page on a daily basis, in order to fill in the little squares. So, even though I was doing those things most of the days, I wasn't taking note of that.

Then I decided to move my tracker in my monthly spread, so that I see it more often and therefore remember to fill it in.

Bullet journal habit tracker ideas - www.christina77star.net

I have to admit that I did better than the first one, but still I kept on forgeting to fill it in!

So then I decided to narrow it down to 3 things that I really wanted to track. I believed that I was being overwhelmed with the amount of habits I wanted to track and therefore I wasn't motivated enough to actually keep track of them.

Bullet journal habit tracker ideas - www.christina77star.net

This way worked way better than the previous months! It just shows that if something doesn't work for you in the beginning, you might have to do some adjustments to it. ;)

Taking a look around in the social media there is so much inspiration from other bullet journalists. There's so many different ways that you can track down any number of things.

Bullet journal habit tracker ideas - www.christina77star.net

You can track down one habit for the whole year like ModernMissJournaling did with her spending or how TinyRayOfSunshine did with her running.

Bullet journal habit tracker ideas - www.christina77star.net

Or you can track lots of tasks for each month of the year like jen_plans

Bullet journal habit tracker ideas - www.christina77star.net

You can have one table to track lots of different habits, like BohoBerry.

Bullet journal habit tracker ideas - www.christina77star.net

Or you can have single tables to track each one, like spddmn and BreeeBerry

Bullet journal habit tracker ideas - www.christina77star.net
Bullet journal habit tracker ideas - www.christina77star.net

You can track your sleep patterns (breeeberry)

Bullet journal habit tracker ideas - www.christina77star.net

You can track your financial goals like honeyrozes

Bullet journal habit tracker ideas - www.christina77star.net

You can track the episodes you've watched from your favourite series like bujo_planner

Bullet journal habit tracker ideas - www.christina77star.net

You can track your water intake per day like idobelieveincommas

Bullet journal habit tracker ideas - www.christina77star.net

You can even track your moods like passioncarnets!

Bullet journal habit tracker ideas - www.christina77star.net

Even though I had a mixed relationship with habit trackers in the beginning, I now love their functionality and how they can motivate someone and keep them focused and on track. What do you track in your bullet journal?

>>If you want to see my favourite Resources that I use every day with my Bullet Journal, click here to find out what I love to use.

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